Children & Families


Families – of all sizes, configurations and hues – are cherished at KCC. We offer a meaning- and joy-filled faith formation program for children, from infancy through high school. In addition to our weekly Sunday School, KCC provides a host of learning, service, and friendship-building opportunities for our youngest members.

Children and youth have so much to teach us about our faith. In a typical year, they sing, lead worship and special events throughout the year including Youth Sunday, Rally Day, Palm Sunday, and the Family Christmas Eve service. In turn, KCC plays host to children and families at treasured annual community events – the Blessing of the Animals, Halloween Carnival, Live Nativity, Easter Egg Hunt, and Memorial Day Pancake Breakfast.

Visiting for the first time? Ask an usher to be introduced to Barbara Runco, our Faith Programs Director.


It is with great joy that we offer the sacrament of Christian baptism.

For more information, please contact Rev. Brandon Duran.



Confirmation is taught by our minister Rev. Brandon Duran and our Faith Programs Director, Barbara Runco. The classes are offered for 6th grade and older students who are preparing to assume responsibility for their own faith journeys. At the end of Confirmation, the young people who elect to join, are welcomed into the church’s membership. We are currently planning for our next Confirmation Cohort.  Please contact Rev. Brandon Duran with your questions, ideas, or inquiries about how to join the next Confirmation Cohort.

For more information, please contact Rev. Brandon Duran and Barbara Runco.





Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education

The award-winning Faith and Sexuality course, Our Whole Lives, is offered to 7th through 9th grade students, and older ones by request. As sexuality is a gift from God, we encourage young adults to articulate their values, consider consequences, and approach decisions with their faith in mind. It is a life saving program that can prevent disease, and help young people talk in depth, honestly and without judgment, about their sexual health, relationships, gender identity, and their changing bodies.

The next OWL class begins in the 2023 to 2024 school year. To attend the information meeting in June 2023, Barbara Runco.


Safe Church

We provide a safe, nurturing environment in which to grow, learn and worship. For details, see our Safe Church Policy. [Release Form|


Children’s Library

Bordering Lander Hall is the Children’s Library, from which all children are welcome to borrow books on Sundays or any time when the church office is open. Check us out.


Kensington Community Church United Church of Christ Kensington Community Church United Church of Christ