Serve & Connect With Our Church


Serve & Connect with Our Church

Be With Us

We are an active church. Here’s how you can get involved this month and in upcoming months

Share Your Joy About KCC’s Community on Facebook

KCC’s Media Team explains how!

Mission & Service Opportunities!

Give a Child a Wonderful Start for the 2022 to 2023 School Year


Each year, KCC partners with the staff of the San Diego Refugee Tutoring Program at Ibarra Elementary School to provide students with the best possible start to the school year. As part of the congregation’s effort to provide just opportunities for education and quality of life for all, please contribute your time, talents, and resources to these important mission opportunities. Your donations will be distributed at the annual Back-to-School Bash.


KCC Pledged 40 Backpacks to the Children at Ibarra Elementary.Please help us meet the
demand by donating a backpack through the SDRT Amazon Wishlist. You can send it
directly to SDRT when choosing the shipping address. All the details here.


Help Ponce’s Feed Our Neighborhood!

KCC’s Ministry of Mission and Outreach (MMO) would like to encourage you to help our neighbor, Ponce’s Restaurant, to help feed our neighborhood! Ponce’s has set up a way for us to pay for meals for folks who are struggling economically, due to the effects of COVID-19. Pastor Darryl bought $100 worth of meals through his Pastor’s Discretionary Fund.  If you’d like to help cover the meal of a “neighbor”, visit Ponce’s E-Tock page and donate.



Come Join the Choir! No Prerequisites Required!

Let Us Know:

Are we performing music you want to hear? Do you miss hearing or singing a particular hymn or song? Let us know and send in your requests to Kay-Marie Moreno ( and we’ll see where we can plug them into the services. We are always looking for ideas and welcome yours.


Serve as a Sunday Greeter

If you are able to smile, shake hands and say hello, you are the perfect candidate to be a Sunday morning greeter for the 10:30 service. Duties include coming about 20 minutes early, greeting everyone, and telling visitors that there are Visitor Information Cards in the pews. If someone needs other information, such as where child care is, the greeter can tell them, or ask an usher to help them. That’s all there is to it. So if you would like to do this, please sign up on the sheet in Lander Hall.


Serve in Other Ways

Serve as a liturgist. Bring refreshments or prepare communion. Wash linens or press play to launch multimedia. Want to sing or play an instrument in worship, even if you can’t commit to the Chancel Choir?

Deepen your connection to our church family, serving on one of our ministry committees. Chat with us about getting involved at


Be Family to Each Other

The family we create among our church friends is precious. Foster it in smaller and interest based groups: Women’s Spirituality, Chancel Choir, Youth Group, Camp Stevens Retreats, Casas de Luz and more. Contact us to learn more these groups. Or suggest a new idea for a small group! We are at

Kensington Community Church United Church of Christ Kensington Community Church United Church of Christ