Serve Our Neighbors

Here are the most immediate service opportunities our church offers.
We invite your participation!

Make a Meal Full of Love for Rachel’s House

Next Dinner Service – 

Sunday, June 25, 2023

4:45 PM Drop off Rachel’s House items at KCC





Rachel’s House provides services for women experiencing homelessness in downtown San Diego. KCC helps by providing one dinner a month for their night shelter. The April meal was on April 30, and Pastor Brandon sponsored the meal by making a beef and potato curry. Jodi made an Indian/Pakistani rice dish called Matar Pulao, Bonnie made a salad and brownies, and Bonnie and Clydene brought drinks.

The May meal will be on May 28 and Carol Hill is sponsoring. If you’d like to help with salad or another side dish, let Carol or Sara know at or call/text 857-222-0017.

We can also help serve the meal in person at Rachel’s House again! Serving is a wonderful way to connect with this community and each other. We carpool from the church or meet downtown, serve the meal, and then sit with the women and share a moment of community together.

There will be a sign up sheet at the church to help cook or serve. Or sign up at this link:


Help Ponce’s Feed Our Neighborhood!

KCC’s Ministry of Mission and Outreach (MMO) would like to encourage you to help our neighbor, Ponce’s Restaurant, to help feed our neighborhood! Ponce’s has set up a way for us to pay for meals for folks who are struggling economically, due to the effects of COVID-19. Pastor Darryl bought $100 worth of meals through his Pastor’s Discretionary Fund.  If you’d like to help cover the meal of a “neighbor”, visit Ponce’s E-Tock page and donate.

We Throw Open Our Doors. Our Faith Propels Us to the Streets!

Since 1929, our church has served as a beacon and a hub for our community. Whether we throw our doors open for our Halloween carnival or our quarterly senior luncheons, for recovery groups, our well regarded preschool, or the neighborhood garden club, we cherish our role as friendly hosts.

Yet our faith also propels us to the streets—to paint fences in the City Heights Facelift, to offer care and comfort to those fleeing domestic abuse, to march in the Gay Pride Parade and support homeless clients at Uptown Faith Community Service Center. Our full list of our community partners includes:

Want to help out with events and traditions? Compelled to right injustices and serve those in need? Contact our Ministry of Mission and Outreach.

Many community groups meet at Kensington Community Church. Click here to see the schedule of groups meeting at the church: KCC Calendar of Events


We Teach Each Other To Live More Thoughtfully.
We Extend Love and Mercy to Those Around the World.

We bring thirsty minds and open hearts to our life together at KCC. Recently we’ve challenged ourselves to learn more about the deterioration of our planet’s soil, food shortages here and abroad, end of life care as well as the peace of labyrinth walks. We extend the reach of our love and support to those around the world with our global missions:

Contribute to our global missions

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Kensington Community Church United Church of Christ Kensington Community Church United Church of Christ