Curious About KCC

Each week we affirm our vision as a community of faith.  The affirmation begins by stating that we come: to believe, to belong, and to become.  Since first learning of KCC, I loved this simple and powerful proclamation.  I do think though, that with communities of faith, it all starts with “belonging.”  Perhaps you’ve been visiting KCC and you’d like to take another step in your relationship with the community.  Perhaps you’d like to know more about what it means to be a member of KCC.  If you’re curious, then please sign up for one of the following conversations with Pastor Brandon and Council Chair Azar and/or Council Co-Chair Scot.  You can sign up by contacting the front office, emailing Brandon (, or clicking here.

During these conversations, we will talk about the identity and vision of KCC.  This conversation will include the affirmations that live close to our heart, a bit about the history of the church, and where we see ourselves going.  I hope you’re able to come!

May 16 @ 5:30p (Zoom only)
May 23 @ 5:30p

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