8:30 AM Sunday Worship In-person
9:15 AM Friendship Hour will be hosted in Lander Hall
10:30 AM Sunday Worship In-person
Sunday school class for all children and youth will meet following the Children’s Moment. (Sunday school details below)
11:30 AM Friendship Hour will be hosted in Lander Hall
Sunday School
This Sunday, we continue to explore the early Christian Church in the time after Pentecost. The children will explore the themes of sharing and community in a Hawaiian-themed lesson and activities with Beth Guepin.
Many thanks to Tara Wolf and Krista Westman for supporting the children’s spiritual growth last Sunday in Sunday school!
Join the fun in Sunday school this summer! The children and youth meet on all Sundays in July and August for fun, hands-on learning activities for all ages and various learning styles. Through drama, bible stories, STEAM activities and active games, they will discover their own change-making abilities as a child of God.
Become a Helper in Sunday School! To volunteer, send Barb an email (barbara@kensingtonucc.com).