8:30 AM Sunday Worship In-person
9:15 AM Friendship Hour will be hosted in Lander Hall
10:30 AM Sunday Worship In-person
Sunday school class for all children and youth will meet following the Children’s Moment. (Sunday school details below)
11:30 AM Children and Youth Dress Rehearsal in the Sanctuary & Friendship Hour will be hosted in Lander Hall
Sunday School
This Sunday, the youth will continue their creative comic-themed journey with Brian and Rev. Rachel while the children learn new Bible stories and make pop-up cards for Pastor Brandon’s Installation.
Join the fun in Sunday school at KCC! Check out the new teachers and classes here.
Fall events include Pastor Brandon’s installation, the Blessing of the Animals, Halloween, and Dia de los Muertos (including sugar skull decorating).
Become a Helper in Sunday School! To volunteer, send Barb an email (barbara@kensingtonucc.com).